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AlbionStatus - Your Server Status tracker

Albion Main Server status
Albion Asia Server status
Albion Europe Server status
Last checked at
Operating since
6 years, 9 months, 3 days and 11 hours

AlbionStatus is your reliable Albion Online server status tracker! Operating since July 29, 2017 it was the first Albion Online server status tracker ever! Want to know if Albion is down? We got you covered.

The project has been created when no server status page was available, and the Albion Online developers announced the server status changes manually. Additionally, there were heavy DDoS attacks taking down the servers every now and then. Nowadays, the most common downtime source is the daily maintenance.

AlbionStatus was built to allow players to stay informed about the Albion Online server status while pursuing other activities, like watching videos or playing other MMORPGs. The key goal was to make refreshing the server status page and client obsolete, and I'm quite sure we've reached it!

We also have a Twitter-bot which you can follow to stay up to date about the server status. Be sure to take a look into the FAQ if you haven't done that by now!

Open Source

Also, AlbionStatus is the first open source tracker for the servers of Albion Online. If you are interested how the tech stack looks like, what queries we do and how we save the data, check out our GitHub repositories! Thanks a lot to all contributors who helped to build AlbionStatus.

What's next?

Oh, great question! There are several more features planned:

If you are interested in contributing towards the project, just do it 😊. Take an issue (or open one) to signal that you want to work on it or submit a PR if you are on it!